It’s that time of year to start golfing. Inter City’s first match is on May 9th at Clear Lakes in Buhl. Shotgun start at 9:00am. Ladies are expected to be at the golf course by 8:30 to have time to check in.
Sign up sheet is at the pro shop. Five ladies make up a team. Let me know if you are interested in playing. Contact Carla Haag at (208)431-5803. You can call or text me. You will need an established handicap. Please put your name on the sheet even if it is full. Last minute drop outs always happen. If you are willing to golf for another team, please let me know. Other teams may not be able to fill so they are always calling to see if we have extra ladies who want to golf.
Inter City is a match play competition. There are 8 golf courses involved. The cost to play is $25, except for Blue Lakes. The cost is $30. This is a great way to play the course you have wanted to play. Inter City has been played since the early 60’s. Let’s keep it going!
Schedule for Inter City:
Clear Lakes: May 9th
Canyon Springs: May 29th
Twin Falls: June 20th
River’s Edge: July 10th
Rupert: July 24th
Gooding: August 7th
Jerome: August 21st
Magic Valley Amateur is being played at Blue Lakes this year on May 22nd and 23rd, so there will be no Inter City played there.
Each course usually have other tournaments played during the summer. There will be fliers at the Pro shop. Information will be on the fliers, so you will know how to sign up for them. It’s fun to play the different courses and meet the Ladies.
Have fun this summer. Hope to see you on the golf course.
Carla Haag
(208) 431-5803